Life Science & Technology
International Symposium in Graduate Researches on Life Sciences and Technology
09-10 November 2023
Abstract Submission Deadline
Design Science & Technology
International Symposium in Graduate Researches on Design Science and Technology
24 November 2023
Abstract Submission Deadline
Data Science & Technology
International Symposium in Graduate Researches on Data Sciences and Technology
30 November 2023
Submission Deadline
Geo Science & Technology
International Symposium in Graduate Researches on Geo Sciences and Technology
07-08 December 2023
Abstract Submission Deadline
Maritime Science & Technology
International Symposium in Graduate Researches on Maritime Science and Technology
14-15 December 2023
Abstract Submission Deadline
Eng Science & Technology
International Symposium in Graduate Researches on Engineering Sciences and Technology
21-22 December 2023
Abstract Submission Deadline
Scientific research and graduate education are mutually dependent processes in the universities where new discoveries and new syntheses are composed. Therefore, graduate researches have an important role in increasing the knowledge produced in universities. Sharing the results obtained from graduate research within academia leads to the rapid dissemination of information to a wide range of society.
Based on these reasons above, we are very pleased to announce organizing the second online international symposium series (DEUISGR23) where graduate researches in six challenging fields GeoScience, DataScience, LifeScience, DesignScience, EngineeringScience and MaritimeScience.
DEUISGR23 symposiums aim to bring together researchers, graduate students and practicing experts to share the latest scientific and technological advancements in GeoScience, DataScience, LifeScience, DesignScience, EngineeringScience and MaritimeScience and they will provide networking opportunities for future activities.
On behalf of the organizing committee, we would like to invite you to participate in the Second DEUISGR Symposiums, which will bring together many distinguished researchers from all over the world. Participants will find opportunities for presenting new research, exchanging information, and discussing current issues. Although we focus on GeoScience, DataScience, LifeScience, DesignScience, EngineeringScience and MaritimeScience, all papers from major applied and natural science disciplines are highly encouraged. The symposiums will be held on the online platform which allows the participants to present their studies interactively.
The extended abstract submission for the Second DEUISGR is now open. We would also like to remind you that the deadline for extended abstract submission is different for each track called GeoScience, DataScience, LifeScience, DesignScience, EngineeringScience and MaritimeScience. The decision regarding the acceptance/rejection of each paper will be communicated to the corresponding author after the evaluation of the submission. Extended abstracts will be used in the paper acceptance process. Following online presentations of the papers on the symposium day, willing participants will be asked to submit the full-text papers, and after editorial review, the collected papers will be published in the proceedings book.
Organizing Committee
Life Science & Tech. Topics
Environmental Biotechnology
Medical Technologies
New Technologies and Approchoes in Oncology
Physical Therapy and Rehabilition
Rare Diseases
Genetic Technologies
Cancer Genetics
Tumor Immunity
Cell Biology and Signaling
Wearable Technology in Healthcare
Machine Learning
Occupational Health & Ergonomics
Prosthetics and Orthotics
Innovative Technology
Exercise and Wellbeing
Sports and Sports Injuries
Healthy Aging and Physical Activity
Disability and Rehabilitation
Molecular Biology and Genetics
Geo Science & Tech. Topics
Applied Geology
Applied Geophysics
Climate Change
Drilling Technologies
Environmental Geophysics
Geomatic, GPS, GNSS, RTK
Geothermal Studies
Marine Geophysics
Mineral Processing
Mining Excavation
Mining Machinery
Monitoring Surveys (In-Sar, LIDAR, Gravity etc.)
Plate Tectonics
Rock Mechanics
Structural Geology
Design Science & Tech. Topics
Creative Cities
Urban Vulnerability to Climate Change
Creative Cities
Urban Competitiveness and Design
Public Space
Smart Cities
Quantitative Planning Studies
Qualitative Planning Studies
Environment and Behavior Studies
Making Healthful Ties Between Humankind and Technology via Good Design
Earthquake Studies
Biomimetic Design
Pandemic/Outbreak Period Designs
Innovative Materials in Architecture
Architectural Education and Technology
Environmental Design and Sustainability
Interdisciplinary Approaches in Design
Design and Technology
Human, Environment, and Architectural Design
Technology and Architecture
Resilient Architecture
Digital Art and Architecture
Maritime Science and Tech. Topics
marine transportation engineering
marine engineering technologies
sustainable maritime transportation
alternative marine fuels
decarbonization in maritime transportation
marine renewables
ship energy efficiency
climate change and adaptation
off-shore systems
maritime safety, security, and risk management
data science and AI in maritime applications
autonomous marine vehicles
robotics on maritime applications
smart shipping and logistics
ship management and information systems
maritime business administration
sustainable maritime logistics and supply chain management
green port applications
maritime law and regulations
sustainable use of marine sources
marine sciences
marine tourism
coastal engineering
ship recycling
ship design, construction, and materials
new manufacturing technologies in marine applications
ship resistance and propulsion
maritime history and underwater archeology
Data Science & Tech. Topics
Big Data
Artificial Intelligence
Data Analysis
Data Visualization
Machine Learning
Signal and Image Processing
Bayesian Statistics
Time Series Analysis
Financial Mathematics
Fuzzy Logic and Soft Computing
Decision Making Techniques
Data and Information Security
Distributed Computing
Text Mining
Mathematical Modelling
Spatial Statistics
Extreme Value Theory and Applications
Robust Statistics
Data Mining
Engineering Science & Tech. Topics
Applied Physics
Biomedical Engineering
Climate Change
Computer Science
Electrical Energy Storage
Environmental Engineering
Flight Mechanics
Fluid Mechanics
Heat Transfer
Manufacturing Engineering
Material and Metallurgical Engineering
Material Engineering
Mechanical Design
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanics of Materials
Propulsion systems
Renewable Energy
Solid Mechanics
Structural Engineering
Surface Engineering
Sustainability&Recycling in Textile
System Dynamics and Control
Technical Textiles
Textile Technology
Textile Science
Thermal Energy Storage
Thermal Systems
Transportation Engineering
Water Engineering
Wireless Communication
No fee for;
We support free science, open access, and open science but not APC. Online participation at the events is free of charge, but registration is compulsory. We invite authors to submit their full-texts for the field of GeoScience, DataScience, LifeScience, Design Science, Marine and Engineering Science seperately.
Some key topics are listed in the sub-sections of each symposium as a guide for the authors.
Contributions to the symposiums should be original and should not have been presented elsewhere. The submissions should make clear the main scientific, technical, and economic points to be addressed, while also paying attention to innovative and unique aspects of the graduate research.
The attendance of the event is limited; therefore, please ensure your registration as soon as possible. All accepted and presented research papers will be published in the symposium proceedings in pdf format.
By Open Access, we mean the free availability of literature on the public internet, permitting any users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, […] or use material for any other lawful purpose, without financial, legal, or technical barriers […] (Budapest Open Access Initiative, 2002). If you submit a paper, you consent to its free publication in digital and printed form by the symposiums orginizers.
Proceedings of DEUISGR2023

Proceedings of DEUISGR2022